Huddart Park, Redwood City

Two hikes around Huddart Park traversing the Richard Roads and Crystal springs trail brought swallowtails, faded California Sisters near water sources, and Hairstreaks. Now I haven’t been able to identify the Hairstreak and have it down to either a Hedgerow or Golden Oak. It was found in the oaks on Richard Roads Trail. I thought they were moths at first, I found them by shaking the trees in the shade. They would fly a short distance, land  and then disappear. I told my non-butterfly hiking friends to go ahead so I could search them out. I was able to flush out about 8-10 individuals and photo a few.

Visited on 8/13 and 8/14

I’d like to come back earlier in the season and check both the water and oaks…Next year.

Hedgerow or Golden Hairstreak?
Banana Slug (for fun)
California Sister

Author: Sara Ryndfleisz

Vice President of The Utah Lepidopterist Society from 2013-2015. I'm an expert in photography and got interested in butterfly studies after a trip to the Sachs Butterfly House in St. Louis Missouri. I'm now keeping The Northern-Central California Lepidopterists organized.

4 thoughts on “Huddart Park, Redwood City”

  1. Hi Sara, That’s a golden. (And they are crepuscular, flying around sunrise and sunset. Weird.) John Lane



  2. Hi Sara,

    I don’t think I’ve seen a golden hairstreak that strongly marked, but that’s what it is. The color, the triangular (not hairlike) tail, and probably the plant it’s resting on all indicate golden.

    I’m looking for that species in San Benito County for our Biodiversity Big Year on iNaturalist. It’s good to know it’s out in numbers elsewhere.

    Take care,



  3. Hi Sara,

    Your Huddart Park hairstreak looks like a Golden Hairstreak. Your description of their activity also fits Golden. I have yet to see one this year, should get out there and look. I have driven past Huddart Part many a time but always on my way to somewhere else (usually Purisima Creek Redwoods).

    Dave Bartholomew


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