Huddart Park, Redwood City

Two hikes around Huddart Park traversing the Richard Roads and Crystal springs trail brought swallowtails, faded California Sisters near water sources, and Hairstreaks. Now I haven’t been able to identify the Hairstreak and have it down to either a Hedgerow or Golden Oak. It was found in the oaks on Richard Roads Trail. I thought they were moths at first, I found them by shaking the trees in the shade. They would fly a short distance, land  and then disappear. I told my non-butterfly hiking friends to go ahead so I could search them out. I was able to flush out about 8-10 individuals and photo a few.

Visited on 8/13 and 8/14

I’d like to come back earlier in the season and check both the water and oaks…Next year.

Hedgerow or Golden Hairstreak?
Banana Slug (for fun)
California Sister